Whew! Another year is done. Throw away the old calendars, open a new book, start a fresh diet, or even take a road trip. Whatever you decide to do live for something new.
Lately, I’ve been keeping my ears open, listening to each person speak on their past experiences from this year. The thing I’ve heard most is that this year has been a memorable one. Whether those moments are unforgettable in a good or bad way, those moments are now memories of the year 2021.
It's time to welcome some new memories.
One person I spoke to recently came in just when I needed her to. She told me that 2022 would begin the year of “firsts.” The first year celebrating important days without a loved one. Despite the sensitive topic, she spoke of how she’d spend the year celebrating those days.
She won’t be sad. She will celebrate the new.
She said, “we have plenty of days to be sad in the year, I want to keep those days happy.” It was so simple, but I took these words to heart. My year of “firsts” would begin in 2022 as well. She gave me a new outlook on 2022. I began to think of the ways I could live for the new.
For the past few years, I have chosen a new word to focus on. Last year my chosen word was balance. Throughout 2021, I paid special attention to how I spent my time. From working out, time with friends, time with family, time alone, study hours, and faith-filled minutes, I tried my best to balance my hours each day.
My New Year’s resolution, aside from learning how to cook, is to listen. I will live to listen. Recently listening has helped inspire me, motivate me, and learn. Because of these benefits, my year of 2022 will be spent listening.
I posted today to remind you to set aside the typical New Year resolutions and think of something new to live for.
What word is new to you?